A man and woman holding hands across a table as they discuss unexplained infertility.

Unexplained Infertility: Exploring Surrogacy and Egg Donation Options

Why is getting pregnant easy for some couples and difficult for others?

There is no short answer to this question. Many factors influence a person’s ability to get pregnant. The age of the couple is important, especially for women because fertility decreases as they get older. Health issues, hormone imbalances, and genetics also affect fertility. Things like what you eat, how you exercise, and exposure to toxins can play a role too.

It’s not just physical factors; emotions and stress levels matter, too. When your body is in fight or flight mode from constant stress, it can be harder to conceive. Some couples face difficulties getting pregnant, and even after thorough testing, doctors still can’t find a clear reason why. This is called unexplained infertility.

Unexplained infertility is typically caused by one or more of the following:

  • Age-related fertility decline
  • An undiagnosed underlying condition
  • Endometriosis
  • Genetic factors
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Lifestyle choices
  • Stress/emotional well-being
  • Thick cervical mucus
  • Uterine lining defect

Unexplained infertility is diagnosed when standard fertility tests yield no clear causes for a couple’s inability to conceive. It’s like having a puzzle with missing pieces, leaving both medical professionals and hopeful parents grasping for answers.

For most people, the emotional toll of unexplained infertility is profound. The frustration of not knowing the cause coupled with the longing for a child creates a unique blend of emotions. Many couples find themselves at a crossroads, contemplating the next steps in this intricate journey.

Should You Consider Egg Donation and Gestational Surrogacy?

Deciding when to explore surrogacy and egg donation is deeply personal. It often marks a turning point in the fertility journey. For some, it’s a realization that conventional methods may not be the conduit to parenthood. For others, it’s an acknowledgment of the strength and possibility these alternative paths offer.

There’s no universal timeline for embracing surrogacy or egg donation. It’s a decision often born out of a blend of emotions, medical advice, and personal readiness. Many couples find solace and empowerment in the choice to embrace these options when the time feels right for them.

If you’re unsure about gestational surrogacy, let the evidence help guide and reassure you. Across the United States, gestational surrogacy has a high success rate, and it increases even more once the surrogate becomes pregnant.

What to Expect When Choosing Surrogacy

Gestational surrogacy is a path that holds the promise of realizing parenthood for many. It involves a woman, the surrogate, carrying and delivering a child for intended parents. The process is both complex and beautiful, with legal, medical, and emotional facets to consider, including:

  • Selecting the right surrogate: One of the key decisions in the surrogacy journey is choosing the right surrogate. Many couples are drawn to agencies that meticulously vet surrogates, ensuring physical and emotional health. This careful selection process offers a sense of security and compatibility.
  • Legal considerations: Navigating the legal aspects of surrogacy is paramount. Legal agreements outlining expectations, responsibilities, and rights are crucial to a smooth journey. Many agencies provide legal support to ensure all parties are protected throughout the process.
  • Selecting an egg donor: Choosing an egg donor involves a thoughtful process. Many intended parents appreciate the opportunity to connect with donors on a personal level. Agencies often facilitate this connection, allowing for shared stories and a sense of mutual understanding.
  • Medical procedures: Egg donation involves a series of medical procedures, including hormone stimulation for the donor and the retrieval of eggs. These procedures are performed with precision and care, guided by experienced medical professionals.

Lean on Loved Ones for Emotional Support & Community

Just when you thought unexplained fertility was emotional, choosing the paths of surrogacy and egg donation are intense, too — but in the most beautiful way. Recognizing the need for support, many agencies offer counseling services to navigate the complex feelings that could arise. Emotional well-being is a priority throughout these transformative journeys.

Engaging with a supportive community is also important. Many individuals and couples turn to online forums, support groups, and agency-led events that provide spaces for camaraderie and mutual encouragement.

No matter what you decide, remember that you’re not alone. While unexplained infertility affects roughly 10% of couples trying to conceive, this diagnosis does not rule out having a baby. You have options.

If you face unexplained infertility and consider surrogacy or egg donation, remember this journey is yours. Exploring these options is a hopeful, courageous step toward parenthood, and we applaud you.

Surrogacy and Egg Donor Services

Since 2004, The Fertility Agency has helped bring over 1100+ babies into the world. We work with all intended parents, surrogates, and egg donors no matter their sexual preference, relationship status, ethnicity, location, etc. Our personal experiences and years of expertise provide us with the perfect balance of business and passion. Contact us for more information.

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