Find a Surrogate

Why The Fertility Agency?

The Top Reasons People Choose Us

There are many agencies to pick from and you’re probably finding it hard to distinguish one from another. We want you to know how terrific we are and that we are one of the top agencies in the world.

12 Reasons That Set Our Agency Apart

Fast Matching

For years we have been known for our ability to match faster than most agencies with comparable experience and expertise. Even when Surrogates are in high demand and short supply, we our reputation is stellar and many Surrogates still want to work with us. Please reach out to us to see how long it might be for you.

Our top priority is to get you matched quickly with a fantastic Surrogate. She will be screened, healthy, compliant, have a great support system, have had a great pregnancy(s), and loves being pregnant.

One reason we are faster is because we work with Surrogates throughout the country but only in surro-friendly states where your name goes on the birth certificate.

We Are As Picky As You And Your Doctor
Surrogate Background Checks Done By Professionals
Integrity Counts
We Are Your Eyes And Ears
With Age Comes Wisdom
32 Countries And Counting
We Are Everywhere
We Protect You And Your Funds
It Is More Than Just A Business
Size Matters
Everyone Is A VIP
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